Monday, 28 January 2013

Frivolity ~ Fun in the Foam


1.   characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: frivolous conduct.
2.   self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose.
3.   (of a person) given to trifling or undue levity: a frivolous, empty-headed person.
4.   of little or no weightor importance; not worthy of serious notice

I couldn't resist a quick post today, because this week's weather created the perfect opportunity to be frivolous!

This morning on my run I couldn't help but notice that the unrelenting rain and howling winds of the past four days had caused a massive foam-fest on the shores of our local beach.  As I ran through the sludge to my running track, I imagined how much fun the kids would have jumping around in all the foamy mess.  

When I got back from my run I tried to convince everyone to go down and wallow in the foam, but no-one was keen!! 'Come on guys... where's your sense of fun?'

I wasn't giving up on this idea and later in the afternoon I eventually packed up the kids and walked down to the beach.  Unfortunately the foam wasn't quite as spectacular as the morning, but there was plenty enough to frolic around in :-) 

My super sensitive eight year old was having a great time, until the 'itches' set in, and she began scratching with fervor.  I can only presume they were caused by the foam, so at that point I was questioning my mothering decision.  Perhaps there was a reason they were the only kids on the beach!?  Ahhhh well.... live in the moment I say! 

Maddie has a happy face before the 'itches' begin 

Felt like walking in chocolate mousse

Maddie couldn't cope with the itches any longer and went back home with her dad.  

Luca however, partied on in style, and decided to make it all the more fun by taking his clothes off :-)

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