Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Fitness ~ Running, My Standard Routine

 ~ Fitness~

I apologise in advance as I'm sure this post is going to be very boring for most people, but I really thought it would be great to document my current routine so that I can see how far I've come when I mix it up and include a whole heap of new things in my fitness routine this year.  And perhaps it might just inspire someone who thought they couldn't run that they CAN give it a go!  

Firstly, a little background information.  I have to tell you guys, I am absolutely NOT a born runner.  I am testament that anyone can run!  Yes, anyone! Any age, any fitness level, YOU CAN DO IT!   I was the kid in High School that tried absolutely anything to get out of running in Phys Ed,  was never particularly good at sports and didn't ever win any races.  It just wasn't my thing.  

I did get a bit more into fitness as I got older, and over the years I have been a member at many gyms and done many exercise classes.  I discovered though, that it was running that really helped me to lose weight.    I was at my heaviest when my daughter was around two years old, and I decided to kick my butt into gear and get running.  

I started off VERY slowly.  Like running around the block and then going home type slowly!  I then started running with a friend, which made it more fun, and made me more motivated to keep my running appointments.   I signed up for a 10k race.  Prior to the race, the greatest distance I ran was around 7 k's doing laps around an oval, but I managed to complete the race (without stopping!) and with built up confidence I knew that I could achieve more!  I've gone on to do several more shorter fun runs, a 15K and a half marathon (21.2k's).  The fun-runs for me are not really about the end result, and they are certainly not about competing with others.  They are just a method of pushing myself in my day to day routine, and having a specific goal to work towards.  

Running is fantastic because you can fit it in around anything in your schedule.  It forces you to get outdoors and breath fresh air, and it gives you a set time to clear your head, and stop thinking about stresses around you.  For me, this is time away from being a mum,  time for me.  It allows me to come back feeling refreshed and ready to cope again with all the endless questions!

I want to recommend this article to anyone who wants to get fitter, but thinks that they won't be able to run.  It gives you a program for starting out with small goals, and then shows you how to build up your distances through interval training (which is a fantastic calorie burner!).  

I still struggle with going for a run as often as I should (it's SO easy to just sleep in that little bit longer, or to find some other super-important thing to do instead of sticking with your plan!).  I also struggle whilst I'm running, constantly having that battle in my mind, where I'm dying to give up and have to mentally strive to push on.  

What I'm doing now: 

I'm currently running between 5-8 K's about four times a week.  In the past I've done a lot more and I know that I'm falling into a rut, and I'm not extending myself.  So my goals for the next few months are:

1.    To include a wider variety of training into my week, including strength training. 
2.    To sign up for some fun runs in the next few months, including at least one 10k. 
3.    To focus more on my stretching routine, and possibly include some yoga.  
4.    To find a group sport to participate in. 

My Running Essentials:

Everyone is different - but these are the things that I personally consider essential:

1. Good fitting sports bra.  I double up and wear an actual sports bra and then a sports crop top over the top.  This Shock Absorber brand is amazing.  

2, 3 and 4. A hat, suncream and sunnies!  It's VERY hot and sunny here.  

5.  Good quality properly fitted running shoes (LOVE my Asics! sorry: very dirty from rain)

6. Last, but not least...  MUSIC!! (and good earphones) - I create playlists on my iPhone using Spotify, allowing me to  pick and choose tracks and create my own playlists from a massive range of music.   In another blog post (If I am prepared to be embarrassed!) I might talk about the music on my playlists.  Check out Spotify: 

Happy running guys!


  1. You are amazing. How long did it take to get from running around the block to 7s though? I'm really stuck at the 5 km mark and can't see any way of pushing further from there...it just seems impossible. Maybe it's the music lol

  2. Good post Nic - I have just entered the ballot for the London Parks Half Marathon! Kind of hoping I get in, but not too disappointed if I don't!

  3. Wow Pam, you are inspiring me! I can't imagine doing 21 K's right now! It's good that the ballot is so early on, gives you plenty of time to psych up to it, it's an amazing run, I would love to do it again. Maybe i'll just stay in London for 3 months when I come over in Aug :)
